Biff’s Miracle Collar

Biff the Dog’s Animation Series Pitch. Target Market: Kids ages 5-7. We are seeking partners for Biff’s animation series, publishers for Biff’s children’s books, and retail partners for the SPIKED!™ plush collection for people & pets.


The Biff Brand

The Biff Brand Lookbook

The highly-developed Biff brand appeals to kids of all ages. The inspired Biff gift items include specialty toys, social expressions, the “SPIKED!” plush collection & more! Biff embraces an underlying theme of diversity and acceptance that delivers a timely global appeal. And Biff’s multicultural vibe is also presented in foreign languages that expand the property’s global reach.
Target Market: Kids of all ages.

(Click the button below to view full eBook)


Biff’s SPIKED!™

Biff’s SPIKED! Lookbook

Biff the Dog is known for sporting his signature plush spiked collar, and his sub-brand pays tribute to this feature. Biff’s unique SPIKED! collection is comprised of product designs for people and pets.

Biff’s SPIKED! Product Collection
Target Market: Kids and Pet Lovers of all ages.

(Click the button below to view full eBook)

SPIKED! Plush Pet Collection for Sports Teams

In this presentation, we present examples of Biff’s SPIKED!™ plush collection in Pro sports team colors & associated logos. We are seeking licensing with the National Football League (NFL), National Basketball Association (NBA) and other professional sports organizations.